LUP Statistics
- Title
- Globalisering inom dagligvaruhandeln - Har svenska aktörer en chans? Drivkrafter, kompetenser och strategier.
- Type
- Student Paper
- Publ. year
- 2002
- Author/s
- Demuth, Karin; Bengtsson, Carolin; Bayer, Anna
- Department/s
- Department of Business Administration
- In LUP since
- 2007-11-01
Total | This Year | This Month |
1032 | 7 | 7 |
Germany | 506 (49%) |
Sweden | 380 (37%) |
United States of America | 51 (5%) |
China | 19 (2%) |
France | 12 (1%) |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 11 (1%) |
Finland | 6 (1%) |
Japan | 4 (0%) |
Denmark | 4 (0%) |
Hong Kong (China) | 4 (0%) |
Norway | 4 (0%) |
Australia | 2 (0%) |
Canada | 2 (0%) |
Croatia | 2 (0%) |
Indonesia | 2 (0%) |
South Korea | 2 (0%) |
Russian Federation | 2 (0%) |
Philippines | 2 (0%) |
Singapore | 1 (0%) |
Spain | 1 (0%) |
Turkiye | 1 (0%) |
Unknown | 1 (0%) |
Chile | 1 (0%) |
Uganda | 1 (0%) |
Austria | 1 (0%) |
Colombia | 1 (0%) |
India | 1 (0%) |
Italy | 1 (0%) |
Greece | 1 (0%) |
Malaysia | 1 (0%) |
Estonia | 1 (0%) |