A phonon scattering assisted injection and extraction based terahertz quantum cascade laser

Dupont, E.; Fathololoumi, S.; Wasilewski, Z. R.; Aers, G., et al. (2012). A phonon scattering assisted injection and extraction based terahertz quantum cascade laser. Applied Physics Reviews, 111, (7)
| Published | English
Dupont, E. ; Fathololoumi, S. ; Wasilewski, Z. R. ; Aers, G. , et al.
Mathematical Physics
NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
A lasing scheme for terahertz quantum cascade lasers, based on consecutive phonon-photon-phonon emissions per module, is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The charge transport of the proposed structure is modeled using a rate equation formalism. An optimization code based on a genetic algorithm was developed to find a four-well design in the GaAs/Al0.25Ga0.75As material system that maximizes the product of population inversion and oscillator strength at 150 K. The fabricated devices using Au double-metal waveguides show lasing at 3.2 THz up to 138 K. The electrical characteristics display no sign of differential resistance drop at lasing threshold, which, in conjunction with the low optical power of the device, suggest-thanks to the rate equation model-a slow depopulation rate of the lower lasing state, a hypothesis confirmed by non-equilibrium Green's function calculations. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3702571]
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