Poverty, labour law and human rights : A necessary connection

Swepston, Lee; Thomas, Constance (2021). Poverty, labour law and human rights : A necessary connection In Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty, 446 - 461: Edward Elgar Publishing
Book Chapter | Published | English
Swepston, Lee ; Thomas, Constance
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

There is an obvious connection between income generation and emergence from poverty, and the way in which this is promoted must respect human rights. Access to decent work in fair conditions and with just incomes is fundamental to the fight against poverty and social exclusion. These outcomes cannot be achieved without the intervention of adequate law. The rights related to work are developed most fully in international labour standards adopted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). These standards, on subjects including freedom of association, conditions of work, and protection from forced labour, child labour, and discrimination, are deeply embedded in international human rights. Measures to ensure access, respect and enforcement of these rights for all workers include access to justice, monitoring and supervision mechanisms, and vibrant workers’ organisations. Full application of labour law based on international standards is a necessary tool to ensure workers’ emergence from poverty.

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