Microscopic approach to second harmonic generation in quantum cascade lasers

Winge, David; Franckie, Martin; Wacker, Andreas (2014). Microscopic approach to second harmonic generation in quantum cascade lasers. Optics Express, 22, (15), 18389 - 18400
| Published | English
Winge, David ; Franckie, Martin ; Wacker, Andreas
NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
Mathematical Physics
Second harmonic generation is analyzed from a microscopical point of view using a non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Through this approach the complete on-state of the laser can be modeled and results are compared to experiment with good agreement. In addition, higher order current response is extracted from the calculations and together with waveguide properties, these currents provide the intensity of the second harmonic in the structure considered. This power is compared to experimental results, also with good agreement. Furthermore, our results, which contain all coherences in the system, allow to check the validity of common simplified expressions. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
07319b2b-463e-4196-8896-d2799480cad3 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/07319b2b-463e-4196-8896-d2799480cad3 | Statistics

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