Human Rights and Victims’ Rights in Europe

Alfredsson, Gudmundur (2018-01-01). Human Rights and Victims’ Rights in Europe In The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : Fifty Years and Beyond, 309 - 317: Taylor & Francis
Book Chapter | Published | English
Alfredsson, Gudmundur
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

This chapter focuses on the interface between international and European human rights efforts and on victims in a variety of contexts. It addresses minority rights, inasmuch as they continue to be violated with relative impunity in Europe, and concludes with some overall impressions and a list of issues not dealt with for reasons of space. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights served as an inspiration for the drafters of the European Convention. As to the protection of victims in human rights instruments, the main categories addressed are victims of human rights violations, of national and international crimes, and of official abuse, but the standards and responses vary in scope and strength. Traditionally, the term "victim" has meant victims of human rights violations, as evidenced by international and regional instruments. The United Nation Declaration on Victims and the 1983 Convention point to a number of suggested remedies, such as access to justice, fair treatment, restitution, compensation, assistance, and prevention of victimization.

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