Perception of virtual multisensory mobile objects

Luciani, Annie; O'Modhrain, Sile; Magnusson, Charlotte; Florens, Jean-Loup, et al. (2007). Perception of virtual multisensory mobile objects Enactive/07 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, 153 - 156. ENACTIVE 07, Enaction in arts: Association Acroe, INPG, 46 av FĂ©lix Viallet, 38000 Grenoble, France
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Luciani, Annie ; O'Modhrain, Sile ; Magnusson, Charlotte ; Florens, Jean-Loup , et al.
Certec - Rehabilitation Engineering and Design
Audio-Haptic Interactive Design-lup-obsolete
ENACTIVE, IST-2002-002114
Research Group:
Audio-Haptic Interactive Design-lup-obsolete
We explore here, through three complementary experiments on virtual objects, how intimate active relations with multisensory audio-visual and haptics perceptions allow to the cognitive creation of new believable and plausible objects that can be different of the virtual ones objectively implemented. The three experiments are based on "Pebble Boxes" and consist in the exploration and the manipulation of multiple moving multisensory objects (the Pebbles). They show how an inferred scene is constructed from experience, as assumed in the cognitive Enactive concept, by means of three complementary strategies: "the Emergent Exploratory Procedures (EEP)", "the Dynamic Manipulation Adaptivity (DMA)" and "the Adaptive Experimental Learning (AEL)". It shows aslo the complementarity between the ergotic and the semiotic situation on the strategies to infer a believable and plausible scene.
multisensory ; visual ; virtual reality ; Enactive ; haptic ; audio
31fc2221-7c43-4cf8-a960-bf5ffb82aaae | Link: | Statistics

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