Droplet sizing in atomizing sprays using polarization ratio with structured laser illumination planar imaging

Stiti, Mehdi; Garcia, Sebastien; Lempereur, Christine; Doublet, Pierre, et al. (2023-08-01). Droplet sizing in atomizing sprays using polarization ratio with structured laser illumination planar imaging. Optics Letters, 48, (15), 4065 - 4068
| Published | English
Stiti, Mehdi ; Garcia, Sebastien ; Lempereur, Christine ; Doublet, Pierre , et al.
Combustion Physics
LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health
LTH Profile Area: The Energy Transition
LTH Profile Area: Photon Science and Technology

Previous research has shown that the polarization ratio technique allows the characterization of the surface mean diameter, D21, of droplets forming dilute sprays. However, its application to optically dense sprays has posed significant challenges due to the presence of multiple light scattering. Additionally, errors in measurement can arise from the angular dependence of the signal. In this Letter, we present a novel, to the best of our knowledge, method that addresses these challenges. Our approach combines the use of a telecentric objective with structured laser illumination, to both optimize light detection and suppress the unwanted intensity from multiple scattering. This approach enables the utilization of the polarization ratio technique for measuring the droplet size of challenging atomizing sprays. The method offers a promising solution for accurate and comprehensive spray characterization. It is applied, here, to a hollow-cone water spray running at 30, 50, and 70 bar injection pressure, reaching an optical depth up to three.

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