Fast and Stable Polynomial Equation Solving and Its Application to Computer Vision

Byröd, Martin; Josephson, Klas; Åström, Karl (2009). Fast and Stable Polynomial Equation Solving and Its Application to Computer Vision. International Journal of Computer Vision, 84, (3), 237 - 256
| Published | English
Byröd, Martin ; Josephson, Klas ; Åström, Karl
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Mathematical Imaging Group
Research Group:
Mathematical Imaging Group
This paper presents several new results on techniques for solving systems of polynomial equations in computer vision. Gröbner basis techniques for equation solving have been applied successfully to several geometric computer vision problems. However, in many cases these methods are plagued by numerical problems. In this paper we derive a generalization of the Gröbner basis method for polynomial equation solving, which improves overall numerical stability. We show how the action matrix can be computed in the general setting of an arbitrary linear basis for ℂ[x]/I. In particular, two improvements on the stability of the computations are made by studying how the linear basis for ℂ[x]/I should be selected. The first of these strategies utilizes QR factorization with column pivoting and the second is based on singular value decomposition (SVD). Moreover, it is shown how to improve stability further by an adaptive scheme for truncation of the Gröbner basis. These new techniques are studied on some of the latest reported uses of Gröbner basis methods in computer vision and we demonstrate dramatically improved numerical stability making it possible to solve a larger class of problems than previously possible.
Polynomial equations ; Gröbner basis ; Minimal problems ; Structure from motion ; Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems) ; Mathematics
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