Taking Problem-Solving Seriously

Genot, Emmanuel; Jacot, Justine (2012). Taking Problem-Solving Seriously , 13 - 23. Logic & Cognition Conference. Poznan, Poland
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Genot, Emmanuel ; Jacot, Justine
Theoretical Philosophy
Lund University Information Quality Research Group (LUIQ)
Research Group:
Lund University Information Quality Research Group (LUIQ)
Instructions in Wason’s Selection Task underdetermine empirical subjects’ representation of the underlying problem, and its admissible solutions. We model the Selection Task as an (ambiguous) interrogative learning problem, and reasoning to solutions as: (a) selection of a representation of the problem; and: (b) strategic planning from that representation. We argue that recovering Wason’s ‘normative’ selection is possible only if both stages are constrained further than they are by Wason’s formulation. We conclude comparing our model with other explanatory models, w.r.t. to empirical adequacy, and modeling of bounded rationality.
45c939a6-82c0-46e7-9244-337a6fd5cdab | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/45c939a6-82c0-46e7-9244-337a6fd5cdab | Statistics

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