Evaluating preservation medium for the storage of DNA in African lion Panthera leo faecal samples

Tende, Talatu; Hansson, Bengt; Ottosson, Ulf; Bensch, Staffan (2014). Evaluating preservation medium for the storage of DNA in African lion Panthera leo faecal samples. Current Zoology, 60, (3), 351 - 358
| Published | English
Tende, Talatu ; Hansson, Bengt ; Ottosson, Ulf ; Bensch, Staffan
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Research Group:
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Lion faecal samples, collected in the field between 1 hour to 1 week after defecation were preserved in three different media (ethanol, ASL buffer and Two-step storage). The aim was to determine which faecal DNA field preservation method best enhances PCR amplification success. Samples stored in ethanol showed a significantly higher amplification success of microsatellite loci than samples stored in the other two media. In contrast, amplification success of a mitochondrial locus was similar among the samples stored in the three types of media. We reviewed twelve previous studies that employed different media for the storage of faeces, although patterns of success were not fully consistent among different media, ethanol storage was scored highest in the majority of these tests.
Amplification success ; Faecal sample DNA ; Lion Panthera leo ; PCR ; Preservation medium

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