Efficient Iterated Filtering

Lindström, Erik; Ionides, Edward; Frydendall, Jan; Madsen, Henrik (2012). Efficient Iterated Filtering IFAC-PapersOnLine (System Identification, Volume 16), 1785 - 1790. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Brussels, Belgium: Elsevier
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Lindström, Erik ; Ionides, Edward ; Frydendall, Jan ; Madsen, Henrik
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematical Finance-lup-obsolete
Financial Mathematics Group
Research Group:
Mathematical Finance-lup-obsolete
Financial Mathematics Group
Parameter estimation in general state space models is not trivial as the likelihood is unknown. We propose a recursive estimator for general state space models, and show that the estimates converge to the true parameters with probability one. The estimates are also asymptotically Cramer-Rao efficient. The proposed estimator is easy to implement as it only relies on non-linear filtering. This makes the framework flexible as it is easy to tune the implementation to achieve computational efficiency. This is done by using the approximation of the score function derived from the theory on Iterative Filtering as a building block within the recursive maximum likelihood estimator.
Recursive estimation ; maximum likelihood estimator ; filtering techniques ; stochastic approximation ; iterative methods
978-3-902823-06-9 (online)
497a6486-6683-4929-b12f-27098379cb04 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/497a6486-6683-4929-b12f-27098379cb04 | Statistics

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