Theory and measurements of harmonic generation in semiconductor superlattices with applications in the 100 GHz to 1 THz range

Pereira, M. F.; Zubelli, J. P.; Winge, D.; Wacker, Andreas, et al. (2017-07-25). Theory and measurements of harmonic generation in semiconductor superlattices with applications in the 100 GHz to 1 THz range. Physical Review B, 96, (4)
| Published | English
Pereira, M. F. ; Zubelli, J. P. ; Winge, D. ; Wacker, Andreas , et al.
Mathematical Physics
NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience

This manuscript describes harmonic generation in semiconductor superlattices, starting from a nonequilibrium Green's functions input to relaxation rate-type analytical approximations for the Boltzmann equation in which imperfections in the structure lead to asymmetric current flow and scattering processes under forward and reverse bias. The resulting current-voltage curves and the predicted consequences on harmonic generation, notably the development of even harmonics, are in good agreement with experiments. Significant output for frequencies close to 1 THz (7th harmonic) at room temperature, after excitation by a 141-GHz input signal, demonstrate the potential of superlattice devices for gigahertz to terahertz applications.

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