Diet supplemented with pancreatic-like enzymes of microbial origin restores the hippocampal neuronal plasticity and behaviour in young pigs with experimental exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Goncharova, Katerina; Ushakova, G.; Kovalenko, T.; Osadchenko, I., et al. (2015). Diet supplemented with pancreatic-like enzymes of microbial origin restores the hippocampal neuronal plasticity and behaviour in young pigs with experimental exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Journal of Functional Foods, 14,, 270 - 277
| Published | English
Goncharova, Katerina ; Ushakova, G. ; Kovalenko, T. ; Osadchenko, I. , et al.
Functional zoology
It is postulated that exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) can evoke neurological disorders. In the present study pancreatic-like enzymes of microbial origin (PLEM) were examined as a functional food component, with the goal of improving cognitive function and brain structure in a pig model of EPI. EPI in the present study induced alterations in the behaviour of the pigs as well as degenerative changes within the morphological structure of the hippocampus. EPI leads to a reduced number of pyramidal neurons and decreased levels of neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. Here, we provide evidence that the use of PLEM as a functional food, in the form of dietary supplementation with PLEM for 10 days, restored pig behaviour and the histo-morphology of the hippocampus in EPI pigs. Thus, we suggest that the use of PLEM as a functional food ingredient should be considered in the prevention and/or postponement of the development of EPI-related encephalopathy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pigs ; NCAM ; Hippocampus ; Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency ; Behaviour

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