Mossfloran i Stenshuvuds Nationalpark – 81 år efter Herman Persson

Tyler, Torbjörn (2015). Mossfloran i Stenshuvuds Nationalpark – 81 år efter Herman Persson. Botaniska Notiser: utgivna av Lunds botaniska förening (2001-), 148, (4), 1 - 13
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Tyler, Torbjörn
Botanical collections
Alternative Title:
The bryophyte flora of Stenshuvud National park – 81 years after Herman Persson
The bryophytes of the Stenshuvud National park, situated on the east coast of the province of Skåne, southern-most Sweden, was thoroughly investigated in 2015 by a team of 16 bryologists. In total, 204 taxa were found, including 5 nationally red-listed taxa. Most surprisingly, Dichelyma capillaceum was found in a small pond far outside its known distribution by the river Helgeå in northern Skåne. We found almost exactly as many taxa in 2015 as there are records from the literature and herbaria from the period 1850–1945, including those of Herman Persson’s inventory of parts of the area in the 1930’s. However, as compared to the period 1850–1945, 57 taxa were found anew while 60 taxa were not refound. If the groups of new and not refound taxa are compared with respect to their Ellenberg Indicator Values, the new taxa on average have significantly higher temperature demands and demand higher substrate-pH.

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