Lifetime measurements and calculations in Y+ and Y2+ ions

Biemont, E.; Blagoev, K.; Engström, Lars; Hartman, Henrik, et al. (2011). Lifetime measurements and calculations in Y+ and Y2+ ions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, (4), 3350 - 3359
| Published | English
Biemont, E. ; Blagoev, K. ; Engström, Lars ; Hartman, Henrik , et al.
Atomic Physics
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
We report a new set oftheoretical transition probabilities in Y II, obtained using a multiconfiguration relativistic Hartree-Fock method including core polarization. The overall quality of the calculations is assessed by comparisons with new and previous lifetime measurements. In this paper, we report new measurements of five lifetimes in the 4d5p and 5s5p configurations, in the energy range of 32 048-44 569 cm(-1), obtained by the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence method. A similar theoretical model, applied to Y III, leads to results in good agreement with new laser measurements of two 5p levels obtained in this work and with previous beam-foil results for 5d and 6s levels. An extensive set of oscillator strengths is also proposed for Y III.
atomic data ; atomic processes ; Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics ; Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
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