The FERRUM project: Experimental lifetimes and transition probabilities from highly excited even 4d levels in Fe II

Hartman, Henrik; Nilsson, Hampus; Engström, Lars; Lundberg, Hans (2015). The FERRUM project: Experimental lifetimes and transition probabilities from highly excited even 4d levels in Fe II. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 584,
| Published | English
Hartman, Henrik ; Nilsson, Hampus ; Engström, Lars ; Lundberg, Hans
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
Atomic Physics
We report lifetime measurements of the 6 levels in the 3d(6)(5D)4d e(6)G term in Fe II at an energy of 10.4 eV, and f-values for 14 transitions from the investigated levels. The lifetimes were measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence on ions in a laser-produced plasma. The high excitation energy, and the fact that the levels have the same parity as the the low-lying states directly populated in the plasma, necessitated the use of a two-photon excitation scheme. The probability for this process is greatly enhanced by the presence of the 3d(6)(D-5)4p z(6)F levels at roughly half the energy difference. The f-values are obtained by combining the experimental lifetimes with branching fractions derived using relative intensities from a hollow cathode discharge lamp recorded with a Fourier transform spectrometer. The data is important for benchmarking atomic calculations of astrophysically important quantities and useful for spectroscopy of hot stars.
atomic data ; methods: laboratory: atomic ; techniques: spectroscopic
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