Nitrogen leaching and ectomycorrhizal nitrogen retention capacity in a Norway spruce forest fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus

Bahr, Adam; Ellström, Magnus; Bergh, Johan; Wallander, Håkan (2015). Nitrogen leaching and ectomycorrhizal nitrogen retention capacity in a Norway spruce forest fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus. Plant and Soil, 390, (1-2), 323 - 335
| Published | English
Bahr, Adam ; Ellström, Magnus ; Bergh, Johan ; Wallander, Håkan
Microbial Ecology
BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate
MICCS - Molecular Interactions Controlling soil Carbon Sequestration
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
To estimate the production of external ectomycorrhizal mycelia (EMM) in Norway spruce forests with varying nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) levels, and to relate this to the N retention capacity of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) and N leaching. Seasonal changes in EMF production (in ingrowth mesh bags) and soil water N (in suction lysimeters) were analyzed after fertilization with N or N combined with P. The EMF N retention capacity was estimated by the addition of isotopically labeled N to the mesh bags. No relationship was found between the seasonal variation in EMF growth and N leakage from the soil. However, in the mesh bags, the total assimilation of N-15 by EMF was almost halved by N fertilization, while twice as much N-15 leached through. We found a high specific N assimilation capacity per unit weight of EMF mycelia. This was unaffected by N fertilization, but the total assimilation of N by EMF was drastically reduced due to reduced production of EMM. However, N-retaining processes other than N assimilation by EMF must be taken into account to explain the losses of N after fertilization.
leaching ; Nitrogen retention ; Phosphorus ; Ectomycorrhiza ; Nitrogen ; Mycelium ; Norway spruce
acacc588-6bf9-4744-b15b-99ebe1874f6c | Link: | Statistics

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