Norm Formation from the Inside of a Swedish Court

Wickenberg, Per (2019-02-08). Norm Formation from the Inside of a Swedish Court In Research Report in Sociology of Law (1): Lund University
Report | Published | English
Wickenberg, Per
Department of Sociology of Law
Alternative Title:
Normbildning på insidan av en svensk domstol
The overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visitors and customers to the court. The research questions are exploring the internal professional norms on ‘good treatment’: From where or from whom are the expectations on a ‘good treatment’ in this court coming? Which are the driving forces behind ‘good treatment’?
In 2010 and 2011 we studied how the staff at this court met external visitors and customers. The result was that plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, lawyers, solicitors, prosecutors, common visitors and citizens overall were met in a ‘good’ way. In 2012 we made a pilot study on the driving forces behind ‘good treatment’ by the court staff and also explored the expectations from different actors and legal documents at the court – and received interesting empirical findings. During 2015 the same study as 2012 was repeated.
The sociology of law analysis are using theoretical and methodological experiences gained from different norm studies developed during the late fifteen years within the research at sociology of law, Lund University.

The overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visitors and customers to the court. The research questions are exploring the internal professional norms on ‘good treatment’: From where or from whom are the expectations on a ‘good treatment’ in this court coming? Which are the driving forces behind ‘good treatment’?
In 2010 and 2011 we studied how the staff at this court met external visitors and customers. The result was that plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, lawyers, solicitors, prosecutors, common visitors and citizens overall were met in a ‘good’ way. In 2012 we made a pilot study on the driving forces behind ‘good treatment’ by the court staff and also explored the expectations from different actors and legal documents at the court – and received interesting empirical findings. During 2015 the same study as 2012 was repeated.
The sociology of law analysis are using theoretical and methodological experiences gained from different norm studies developed during the late fifteen years within the research at sociology of law, Lund University.
court ; norms ; professional norms ; ‘good treatment’ ; sociology of law
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