Growth of saprotrophic fungi and bacteria in soil.

Rousk, Johannes; Bååth, Erland (2011). Growth of saprotrophic fungi and bacteria in soil.. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 78,, 17 - 30
| Published | English
Rousk, Johannes ; Bååth, Erland
Microbial Ecology
BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate
Interaction between fungi and bacteria in soil
Responses of soil microbes to drought and rewetting
Effect of environmental factors on fungal and bacterial growth in soil
Microbial carbon-use efficiency
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
Bacterial and fungal growth rate measurements are sensitive variables to detect changes in environmental conditions. However, while methods to assess the species composition and biomass of fungi and bacteria has made much progress, information about growth rates remains surprisingly rudimentary. We review the recent history of approaches to assess bacterial and fungal growth rates, leading up to current methods, especially focusing on leucine/thymidine incorporation to estimate bacterial growth and acetate incorporation into ergosterol to estimate fungal growth. We present underlying assumptions for these methods, compare estimates of turnover times for fungi and bacteria based on them, and discuss issues, including e.g. elusive conversion factors. We review what the application of fungal and bacterial growth rate methods has revealed regarding the influence of the environmental factors of temperature, moisture (including drying/rewetting), pH, as well as the influence of substrate additions, presence of plants and toxins. We highlight experiments exploring competitive and facilitative interaction between bacteria and fungi enabled using growth rate methods. Finally, we predict that growth methods will be an important complement to molecular approaches to elucidate fungal and bacterial ecology, and we identify methodological concerns and how they should be addressed.
fungal growth ; bacterial growth ; leucine/thymidine incorporation ; acetate in ergosterol incorporation ; turnover time ; biomass production.
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