LUP Statistics
- Title
- Al-Quds och den palestinska enigheten: Strävan efter nationell enhet genom nyhetspress
- Type
- Student Paper
- Publ. year
- 2004
- Author/s
- Rodling, Malin
- Department/s
- Arabic Studies
- In LUP since
- 2008-10-30
Total | This Year | This Month |
338 | 1 | 1 |
Sweden | 210 (62%) |
Germany | 45 (13%) |
United States of America | 23 (7%) |
China | 22 (7%) |
Finland | 4 (1%) |
Hong Kong (China) | 3 (1%) |
France | 3 (1%) |
Brazil | 3 (1%) |
Canada | 2 (1%) |
Japan | 2 (1%) |
Israel | 2 (1%) |
Denmark | 1 (0%) |
Saudi Arabia | 1 (0%) |
Singapore | 1 (0%) |
India | 1 (0%) |
Jordan | 1 (0%) |
Pakistan | 1 (0%) |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 (0%) |
Turkiye | 1 (0%) |
Russian Federation | 1 (0%) |
Ukraine | 1 (0%) |
Hungary | 1 (0%) |
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | 1 (0%) |
Unknown | 1 (0%) |
Palestinian Territory | 1 (0%) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1 (0%) |
Slovenia | 1 (0%) |
Nepal | 1 (0%) |
Bulgaria | 1 (0%) |