LUP Statistics
- Title
- Review of Anders W. Mårtensson, ”Lunds undre värld. En ovärderlig kunskapskälla till stadens äldre historia, I-III” (2016–22)
- Type
- Review of book, exhibition, performance
- Publ. year
- 2023
- Author/s
- Wienberg, Jes
- Department/s
- Historical Archaeology
- In LUP since
- 2023-01-11
Total | This Year | This Month |
40 | 0 | 0 |
United States of America | 8 (22%) |
Sweden | 6 (17%) |
Russian Federation | 6 (17%) |
India | 5 (14%) |
Kyrgyzstan | 2 (6%) |
Belarus | 2 (6%) |
Armenia | 1 (3%) |
Unknown | 1 (3%) |
Greece | 1 (3%) |
China | 1 (3%) |
Uzbekistan | 1 (3%) |
Singapore | 1 (3%) |
Kazakhstan | 1 (3%) |