Cycle distributions for Gaussian waves - Exact and approximative results

Lindgren, Georg; Broberg, KB (2004). Cycle distributions for Gaussian waves - Exact and approximative results Proceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, vol 3, 112 - 119. 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2004). Toulon, France: The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Lindgren, Georg ; Broberg, KB
Mathematical Statistics
Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling Group
Research Group:
Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling Group
Wave cycle distributions are notoriously difficult to calculate. Available analytic approximations, like those suggested by Longuet-Higgins (1983) and Cavanie, Arhan and Ezraty (1976) make use only of a few spectral moments, and are unreliable for moderate waves. To find distributions under general spectrum shape and parameters one has to use efficient numerical algorithms based on high-dimensional integrals. The paper presents a number of examples of wave cycle distributions computed by the software package WAFO developed at Lund Institute of Technology; All results are compared to simulated or real data. The wave cycles studied are the max-min cycle, the crest-trough wave cycles, the rainflow cycle distribution, and the mean-separated max-min cycle.
wave period ; stationary Gaussian process ; density ; spectral ; random fatigue ; rainflow cycles ; crest-trough ; max-min
06912b03-149d-494c-aa91-b127cf61b0b5 | Link: | Statistics

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