ELTs, AO wavelengths and science output

Ardeberg, Ame; Linde, Peter (2008). ELTs, AO wavelengths and science output GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES II, PTS 1-3, 7012,, 121 - 121. Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II: SPIE
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Ardeberg, Ame ; Linde, Peter
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
A study is presented of the impact on science data from extremely large telescopes of a transformation of wavelength base for optimization of actuator architecture from 2 200 to 1250 nm. From the optical path difference (OPD) data for Euro50, we transform to E-ELT OPDs. We compute the corresponding power spectrum, in which we simulate a higher actuator density via high-pass filtering to convert from K to J band actuator-pitch optimization. From the modified power spectrum we derive the correspondingly modified OPDs, PSFs and Strehl ratios. A massive improvement is demonstrated resulting from converting from AO@K to AO@J. This result is followed up by model-based E-ELT imaging in a field in a galactic disc at a distance of 4 Mpc. The improvements in image quality, background and limiting magnitude are very large as are the increases in photometric precision derived from the field imaging. Further, the great science benefit and large opportunities provided by partial AO is demonstrated. In conclusion, while admittedly challenging, pushing AO optimization to wavelengths as short as possible is of prime concern for the science output of ELTs.
Extremely Large Telescopes ; optical path differences ; power spectrum ; point-spread function ; wavelength range ; photometry ; spatial ; resolution ; imaging ; adaptive optics
0dc46b08-4e1d-489e-a41b-d89bd7f8bc26 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/0dc46b08-4e1d-489e-a41b-d89bd7f8bc26 | Statistics

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