Classification of point-of-care ultrasound in breast imaging using deep learning

Karlsson, Jennie; Arvidsson, Ida; Sahlin, Freja; Åström, Kalle, et al. (2023). Classification of point-of-care ultrasound in breast imaging using deep learning. Iftekharuddin, Khan M.; Chen, Weijie (Eds.). Medical Imaging 2023 : Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 12465,. SPIE Medical Imaging 2023: SPIE
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Karlsson, Jennie ; Arvidsson, Ida ; Sahlin, Freja ; Åström, Kalle , et al.
Iftekharuddin, Khan M. ; Chen, Weijie
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
LU Profile Area: Proactive Ageing
LTH Profile Area: AI and Digitalization
ELLIIT: the Linköping-Lund initiative on IT and mobile communication
LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
LU Profile Area: Natural and Artificial Cognition
Stroke Imaging Research group
Mathematical Imaging Group
LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health
Engineering Mathematics (M.Sc.Eng.)
Partial differential equations
LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre
Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Research Group:
Stroke Imaging Research group
Mathematical Imaging Group
Partial differential equations
Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö

Early detection of breast cancer is important to reduce morbidity and mortality. Access to breast imaging is limited in low- and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries. This contributes to advance-stage breast cancer presentation with poor survival. Pocket-sized portable ultrasound device, also known as point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), aided by decision support using deep learning-based algorithms for lesion classification could be a cost-effective way to enable access to breast imaging in low-resource settings. A previous study, where using convolutional neural networks (CNN) to classify breast cancer in conventional ultrasound (US) images, showed promising results. The aim of the present study is to classify POCUS breast images. A POCUS data set containing 1100 breast images was collected. To increase the size of the data set, a Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network (CycleGAN) was trained on US images to generate synthetic POCUS images. A CNN was implemented, trained, validated and tested on POCUS images. To improve performance, the CNN was trained with different combinations of data consisting of POCUS images, US images, CycleGAN-generated POCUS images and spatial augmentation. The best result was achieved by a CNN trained on a combination of POCUS images and CycleGAN-generated POCUS images and augmentation. This combination achieved a 95% confidence interval for AUC between 93.5% - 96.6%.

Breast Cancer ; Breast Ultrasound ; Convolutional Neural Networks ; CycleGAN ; Point-of-Care Ultrasound
11be8846-1022-424a-a5d7-93fcfb5e7d7e | Link: | Statistics

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