A Platform Society

Andersson Schwarz, Jonas; Larsson, Stefan (2018-11-29). A Platform Society In . Larsson, Stefan; Andersson Schwarz, Jonas (Eds.). Developing Platform Economies : A European Policy Landscape, 114 - 140: European Liberal Forum asbl.
Book Chapter | Published | English
Andersson Schwarz, Jonas ; Larsson, Stefan
Larsson, Stefan ; Andersson Schwarz, Jonas
Real Estate Science
Department of Technology and Society
DATA/TRUST: Tillitsbaserad personuppgiftshantering i den digitala ekonomin
Hållbar AI - AI Ethics and Sustainability
Digitaliseringens konsekvenser ur ett konsumentperspektiv
Alternative Title:
Ett plattformssamhälle
This chapter seeks to define the developing platform economy from a societal perspective, including the aspect of proprietorship, which forms a challenge both regarding transparency and accountability, but also fundamental aspects of datafication, scalability, automation, centralisation, and commercialisation.

The societal effects of a few platform-based corporations (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) are analysed, including the relationship to smaller, newer, platform-based companies that occasionally try to compete with them while often being dependent on them, or getting acquired.

The importance of studying the type pf business model on which a platform’s growth or administration is based is here argued for, in order to be able to understand the logics of its growth, for example into multiple branches. Not only does an increasing number of social sectors and industries become dominated by digitally originated platform operators; also traditional institutional actors are increasingly adopting data-driven platform logics – utilising and analysing consumer data in order to predict particular outcomes in order to automate and outsource decision-making.
platform ; platform society ; data-driven ; automation ; scalability ; datafication ; digitalisation ; GAFA ; Google ; antitrust
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