Bundle Adjustment using Conjugate Gradients with Multiscale Preconditioning

Byröd, Martin; Åström, Karl (2009). Bundle Adjustment using Conjugate Gradients with Multiscale Preconditioning British Machine Vision Conference. British Machine Vision Conference, 2009. London, United Kingdom
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Byröd, Martin ; Åström, Karl
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Mathematical Imaging Group
Research Group:
Mathematical Imaging Group
Bundle adjustment is a key component of almost any feature based 3D reconstruction

system, used to compute accurate estimates of calibration parameters and structure and

motion configurations. These problems tend to be very large, often involving thousands

of variables. Thus, efficient optimization methods are crucial. The traditional Levenberg

Marquardt algorithm with a direct sparse solver can be efficiently adapted to the special

structure of the problem and works well for small to medium size setups. However, for

larger scale configurations the cubic computational complexity makes this approach pro-

hibitively expensive. The natural step here is to turn to iterative methods for solving the

normal equations such as conjugate gradients. So far, there has been little progress in this

direction. This is probably due to the lack of suitable pre-conditioners, which are con-

sidered essential for the success of any iterative linear solver. In this paper, we show how

multi scale representations, derived from the underlying geometric layout of the problem,

can be used to dramatically increase the power of straight forward preconditioners such

as Gauss-Seidel.
Computer vision ; non-linear least squares problems ; simultaneous localization and mapping ; bundle adjustment
16c6e967-f1b0-4461-bd6e-f502dae55a98 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/16c6e967-f1b0-4461-bd6e-f502dae55a98 | Statistics

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