Experimental f-Value and Isotopic Structure for the Ni I Line Blended with [O I] at 6300 Å

Johansson, Sveneric; Litzén, Ulf; Lundberg, Hans; Zhang, Z (2003). Experimental f-Value and Isotopic Structure for the Ni I Line Blended with [O I] at 6300 Å. Astrophysical Journal, 584, (2), 107 - 110
| Published | English
Johansson, Sveneric ; Litzén, Ulf ; Lundberg, Hans ; Zhang, Z
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
Atomic Physics
We have measured the oscillator strength of the Ni I line at 6300.34Å, which is known to be blended with the forbidden line [O I]lambda6300 used for the determination of the oxygen abundance in coolstars. We also give wavelengths of the two isotopic line components of<SUP>58</SUP>Ni and <SUP>60</SUP>Ni derived from the asymmetriclaboratory line profile. These two line components of Ni I have to beconsidered when calculating a line profile of the 6300 Å featureobserved in stellar and solar spectra. We also discuss the labeling ofthe energy levels involved in the Ni I line since level mixing makes thetheoretical predictions uncertain.
Sun: Abundances ; Stars: Abundances ; Atomic Data ; Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology ; Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
185526c4-6095-4179-a1e8-b1a2ae789ecf | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/185526c4-6095-4179-a1e8-b1a2ae789ecf | Statistics

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