Phosphatase activity of extra-radical arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae: A review.

Joner, E J; van Aarle, Ingrid; Vosatka, M (2000). Phosphatase activity of extra-radical arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae: A review.. Plant and Soil, 226, (2), 199 - 210
| Published | English
Joner, E J ; van Aarle, Ingrid ; Vosatka, M
Department of Biology
Microbial Ecology
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
Phosphatase activity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has attracted attention in three fairly distinct domains: intracellular enzymes with defined metabolic functions that have been studied in intraradical hyphae, histochemical staining of alkaline phosphatase as an indicator of fungal activity measured both intra- and extraradically, and extracellular activity related to mineralization of organic P (Po) compounds that may enhance mycorrhizal utilization of an important nutrient pool in soil. This review focuses on the latter subjects with emphasis on extraradical mycelium (ERM), while it draws on selected data from the vast material available concerning phosphatases of other organisms. We conclude that histochemical staining of alkaline phosphatase is a sensitive and suitable method for monitoring the effect of adverse conditions encountered by ERM both as a symbiotically functional entity in soil, and in vitro without modifying interference of soil or other solid substrates. Furthermore, the quantitative importance of extracellular enzymes for P nutrition of AM plants is estimated to be insignificant. This is concluded from the low quantitative contribution extracellular hyphae of AM fungi give to the total phosphatase activity in soil, and from estimations of which processes that may be rate limiting in organic P mineralization. Maximum values for the former is in the order of a few percent. As for the latter, solubilization of Po seems to be far more important than Po hydrolysis for utilization of Po by AM fungi and plants, as both endogenous soil phosphatase activity and phosphatases of other soil organisms are ubiquitous and abundant. Our discussion of mycorrhizal phosphatases supports the view that extracellular phosphatases of roots and micro-organisms are to a large extent released incidentally into soil, and that the source has limited benefit from its activity.
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