Agricultural pest monitoring using fluorescence lidar techniques – Feasibility study

Mei, Liang; Guan, Zuguang; Zhou, H. J.; Lv, J., et al. (2012). Agricultural pest monitoring using fluorescence lidar techniques – Feasibility study. Applied Physics B, 106, (3), 733 - 740
| Published | English
Mei, Liang ; Guan, Zuguang ; Zhou, H. J. ; Lv, J. , et al.
Atomic Physics
Functional zoology
Pheromone Group
Research Group:
Pheromone Group
The fluorescence of different types of planthopper (Hemiptera) and moth (Lepidoptera), which constitute important Chinese agricultural pests, was investigated both in situ in a laboratory setting and remotely using a fluorescence light detection and ranging (lidar) system operating at a range of about 50 m. The natural autofluorescence of different species, as well as the fluorescence from insects that had been dusted with fluorescent dye powder for identification were studied. Autofluorescence spectra of both moths and planthoppers show a maximum intensity peak around 450 nm. Bleaching upon long-time laser illumination was modest and did not affect the shape of the spectrum. A single dyed rice planthopper, a few mm in size, could be detected at 50 m distance by using the fluorescence lidar system. By employing various marking dyes, different types of agricultural pest could be determined. We suggest that lidar may be used in studies of migration and movement of pest insects, including studies of their behavior in the vicinity of pheromone traps and in pheromone-treated fields.
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics ; Zoology

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