Geometric Integration of Weakly Dissipative Systems

Modin, Klas; Führer, Claus; Söderlind, Gustaf (2009). Geometric Integration of Weakly Dissipative Systems Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Vols 1 and 2, 1168,, 877 - 877. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2009. Rethymno, Greece: American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Modin, Klas ; Führer, Claus ; Söderlind, Gustaf
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Numerical Analysis
Research Group:
Numerical Analysis
Some problems in mechanics, e.g. in bearing simulation, contain subsystems that are conservative as well as weakly dissipative subsystems. Our experience is that geometric integration methods are often superior for such systems, as long as the dissipation is weak. Here we develop adaptive methods for dissipative perturbations of Hamiltonian systems. The methods are "geometric" in the sense that the form of the dissipative perturbation is preserved. The methods are linearly explicit, i.e., they require the solution of a linear subsystem. We sketch an analysis in terms of backward error analysis and numerical comparisons with a conventional RK method of the same order is given.
weakly dissipative systems ; Geometric integration ; splitting methods ; adaptive geometric integration
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