Nitrogen translocation between Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. seedlings inoculated with Frankia sp and Pinus contorta Doug ex Loud seedlings connected by a common ectomycorrhizal mycelium

Arnebrant, Kristina; Ek, H.; Finlay, R.D.; Söderström, Bengt (1993). Nitrogen translocation between Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. seedlings inoculated with Frankia sp and Pinus contorta Doug ex Loud seedlings connected by a common ectomycorrhizal mycelium. New Phytologist, 124, (2), 231 - 242
| Published | English
Arnebrant, Kristina ; Ek, H. ; Finlay, R.D. ; Söderström, Bengt
Lund University Libraries
Department of Biology
Microbial Ecology
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
Uptake and translocation of nitrogen was studied in laboratory microcosms consisting of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Frankia sp., Paxillus involutus (Fr.) Fr. and Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. P. involutus was shown to form a fully functional ectomycorrhizal association with alder as well as pine, and the seedlings thus became interconnected by a common mycelium. When microcosms were exposed to N-15(2) gas, interplant translocation of N-15 was observed in two out of three experiments. N-15(2) was fixed by Frankia and translocated to all other parts of the system. In the two experiments in which interplant translocation occurred, between 5 and 15 % of the N-15 recovered was found in the pine seedlings. Within seven days, fixed N2 was incorporated into amino acids in the Frankia nodules, translocated to both the A. glutinosa and P. contorta seedlings and incorporated into macromolecules. In alder seedlings, citrulline and ornithine were the free amino acids that had both the highest N-15 enrichment levels and concentrations. In pine, glutamine and citrulline had the highest N-15 concentrations, and glutamine had the highest level of N-15 enrichment. N-15 enrichment levels were greatest in the nodules, at between 5.5 and 29 % in the different amino acids and 12 % in the macromolecular fraction. Enrichment levels decreased with increasing distance from the nodules. The uptake and translocation of N-15 applied as (NH4Cl)-N-15 to the mycelium was also studied. N-15 was incorporated into amino acids in the mycelium and translocated further in this form. Generally, free amino acids had high N-15 enrichment levels in the mycelium, decreasing along the translocation pathway. Citrulline and glutamine were the amino acids with highest N-15 concentrations in all parts of the system. N-15 was also found in the macromolecular fraction.
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