Does a robot tutee increase children’s engagement in a learning-by-teaching situation?
Lindberg, Markus; Månsson, Kristian; Johansson, Birger; Gulz, Agneta, et al. (2017). Does a robot tutee increase children’s engagement in a learning-by-teaching situation? Intelligent Virtual Agents - 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Proceedings, 10498 LNAI,, 243 - 246. 17th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2017. Stockholm, Sweden: Springer
Conference Proceeding/Paper
Lindberg, Markus
Månsson, Kristian
Johansson, Birger
Gulz, Agneta
, et al.
Cognitive modeling
The Educational Technology Group
Thinking in Time: Cognition, Communication and Learning
Research Group:
Cognitive modeling
The Educational Technology Group
This paper presents initial attempts to combine a humanoid robot with the teachable agent approach. Several design choices are discussed, including the decision to use a robot instead of a virtual agent and which behaviours to implement in the robot. A pilot study explored how the interaction with a robot seemed to influence children’s engagement as well as their attribution of mental states to a robot and to a virtual agent. Eight children participated and the interaction was measured via an observational protocol and a conversational interview. A main outcome was large individual differences between the children’s interaction with the robot compared to the virtual agent.
Learning-by-teaching ;
Robot ;
Virtual agent ;
Human Computer Interaction ;
Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
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