Electrocardiogram derived respiration from QRS slopes : Evaluation with stress testing recordings

Lazaro, Jesus; Alcaine, Alejandro; Romero, Daniel; Gil, Eduardo, et al. (2013-12-01). Electrocardiogram derived respiration from QRS slopes : Evaluation with stress testing recordings 2013 Computing in Cardiology, 40,, 655 - 658. 2013 40th Computing in Cardiology Conference, CinC 2013. Zaragoza, Spain: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Lazaro, Jesus ; Alcaine, Alejandro ; Romero, Daniel ; Gil, Eduardo , et al.
Department of Electrical and Information Technology

A method for respiratory rate estimation from electrocardiogram (ECG), based on variations in QRS complexes slopes, is evaluated over stress testing recordings. Besides the 12 standard, and the 3 vectorcardiogram (VCG), 2 additional leads derived from the VCG are analyzed. A total of 34 slope series were studied, 2 for each lead: slopes between the peaks of the Q and R waves, and between the peaks of the R and S waves. Respiratory rate is estimated by using a time-frequency based algorithm which can combine information from several derived respiration signals. Evaluation was performed over a database containing ECG and respiratory signals simultaneously recorded from 30 subjects spontaneously breathing during a stress test. Respiratory rate estimation is performed with information of 4 different combinations of QRS slope series. The best results in respiratory rate estimation error terms are -1.07 ± 8.86% (-11.47 ± 37.97 mHz). These results suggest that proposed methods based on QRS slopes are highly suitable for respiratory rate estimation from ECG signal, specially at very non-stationary and noise scenarios as stress test.

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