Heritable variation in maternal yolk hormone transfer in a wild bird population.

Tschirren, Barbara; Sendecka, Joanna; Groothuis, Ton G G; Gustafsson, Lars, et al. (2009). Heritable variation in maternal yolk hormone transfer in a wild bird population.. American Naturalist, 174, (4), 557 - 564
| Published | English
Tschirren, Barbara ; Sendecka, Joanna ; Groothuis, Ton G G ; Gustafsson, Lars , et al.
Department of Biology
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Research Group:
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Differential reproductive investment by the mother can critically influence offspring development and phenotype, and strong selection is therefore expected to act on such maternal effects. Although a genetic basis is a prerequisite for phenotypic traits to respond to selection and thus to evolve, we still know very little about the extent of heritable variation in maternal effects in natural populations. Here, we present the first estimates of intrafemale repeatability across breeding seasons and estimates of heritability of hormone-mediated maternal effects in a wild population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). We found that maternal yolk testosterone (T) concentrations, yolk mass, and egg mass were moderately to highly repeatable within females across years, whereas intrafemale consistency of maternal yolk androstenedione (A4) deposition was low yet statistically significant. Furthermore, maternal yolk T transfer, yolk mass, and egg mass were significantly heritable, whereas yolk A4 transfer was not. These results strongly suggest that two major maternal yolk androgens are differentially regulated by genes and the environment. Selection on heritable variation in maternal yolk T deposition has the potential to shape the rate and direction of phenotypic change in offspring traits and can thereby accelerate or impede the response to selection in natural populations.
3fb41a14-1e16-43cd-a658-c2c17129e5f3 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/3fb41a14-1e16-43cd-a658-c2c17129e5f3 | Statistics

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