A Possible Bulge - Thick Disk Connection?

Bensby, Thomas; Feltzing, Sofia; Holmberg, Johan (2003). A Possible Bulge - Thick Disk Connection? Elemental Abundances in Old Stars and Damped Lyman-alpha Systems, 15,. 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 15. Sydney, Australia
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Bensby, Thomas ; Feltzing, Sofia ; Holmberg, Johan
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
We present abundances of giant stars in the Galactic bulge and thickdisk. The stellar sample contains approximately 15 bulge giants and 20thick disk giants observed with the UVES on VLT in Chile. These resultswill be used to see if there exists an evolutionary connection betweenthe bulge and the thick disk and will also put further light into theformation of the Milky Way and the thick disk in particular.
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