β-blocked multistep methods for Euler-Lagrange DAEs: Linear analysis

Arévalo, Carmen; Führer, Claus; Söderlind, Gustaf (1997). β-blocked multistep methods for Euler-Lagrange DAEs: Linear analysis. ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 77, (8), 609 - 617
| Published | English
Arévalo, Carmen ; Führer, Claus ; Söderlind, Gustaf
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Numerical Analysis
Research Group:
Numerical Analysis
Many different methods have been suggested for the numerical solution of index 2 and 3 Euler-Lagrange equations. We focus on 0-stability of multistep methods (φ, σ) and investigate the relations between some well-known computational techniques. By various modifications, referred to as β-blocking of the σ polynomial, some basic shortcomings of multistep methods may be overcome. This approach is related to projection techniques and has a clear and well-known analogy in control theory. In particular, it is not necessary to use BDF methods for the solution of high index problems; indeed, “nonstiff” methods may be used for part of the system provided that the state-space form is nonstiff. We illustrate the techniques and demonstrate the results with a simplified multibody model of a truck.
47e7754f-9d37-4140-91f9-586d7268c213 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/47e7754f-9d37-4140-91f9-586d7268c213 | Statistics

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