New Environmental Zones for Passenger Cars : Attitudes, Norms and Legal Compliance

Svensson, Måns; Björkenfeldt, Oscar (2019). New Environmental Zones for Passenger Cars : Attitudes, Norms and Legal Compliance In Sociology of Law Research Report (2): Lund University (Media-Tryck)
Report | Published | English
Svensson, Måns ; Björkenfeldt, Oscar
Department of Sociology of Law
Alternative Title:
Nya miljözoner för personbilar : Attityder, normer och regelefterlevnad
The fundamental premise for the present report is to examine the degree to which it is possible to predict compliance with future rules regarding environmental zones for passenger cars.

This project combines the main quantitative survey study (Sub-study 1) with a semi-systematic literature review that is first and foremost based in a qualitative, thematic analysis (Sub-study 2).

The survey study is based in Icek Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and consists of a socio-psychological model that can be used to predict behaviour and develop strategies for changing people’s behaviours. This theory focuses on behaviours that are preceded by cognitive processes which, in turn, lead to intentions that result in the individual taking action.
Sociology of Law ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; TPB ; Environmental Zones ; Sweden ; Social Norms ; Attitudes ; Road Traffic ; Enforcement ; Legal Compliance
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