Detection of fixations and smooth pursuit movements in high-speed eye-tracking data

Larsson, Linnéa; Nyström, Marcus; Andersson, Richard; Stridh, Martin (2015). Detection of fixations and smooth pursuit movements in high-speed eye-tracking data. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 18,, 145 - 152
| Published | English
Larsson, Linnéa ; Nyström, Marcus ; Andersson, Richard ; Stridh, Martin
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Lund University Humanities Lab
Cognitive Science
eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
A novel algorithm for the detection of fixations and smooth pursuit movements in high-speed eye-tracking data is proposed, which uses a three-stage procedure to divide the intersaccadic intervals intoa sequence of fixation and smooth pursuit events. The first stage performs a preliminary segmentationwhile the latter two stages evaluate the characteristics of each such segment and reorganize the pre-liminary segments into fixations and smooth pursuit events. Five different performance measures arecalculated to investigate different aspects of the algorithm’s behavior. The algorithm is compared to thecurrent state-of-the-art (I-VDT and the algorithm in [11]), as well as to annotations by two experts. Theproposed algorithm performs considerably better (average Cohen’s kappa 0.42) than the I-VDT algorithm(average Cohen’s kappa 0.20) and the algorithm in [11] (average Cohen’s kappa 0.16), when comparedto the experts’ annotations.
smooth pursuit ; eye-tracking ; Signal processing
6587326f-96da-4b17-a279-59bb4656c873 | Link: | Statistics

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