Characterization of olfactory sensory neurons in the white clover seed weevil, <i>Apion fulvipes</i> (Coleoptera: Apionidae).

Andersson, Martin N; Larsson, Mattias; Svensson, Glenn; Birgersson, Göran, et al. (2012). Characterization of olfactory sensory neurons in the white clover seed weevil, <i>Apion fulvipes</i> (Coleoptera: Apionidae).. Journal of Insect Physiology, 58, (10), 1325 - 1333
| Published | English
Andersson, Martin N ; Larsson, Mattias ; Svensson, Glenn ; Birgersson, Göran , et al.
Pheromone Group
Functional zoology
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Biological control of insect pests in clover seed crops
Research Group:
Pheromone Group
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Seed-eating Apion weevils (Coleoptera: Apionidae) cause large economic losses in white and red clover seed production across Europe. Monitoring and control of clover weevils would be facilitated by semiochemical-based methods. Until now, however, nothing was known about physiological or behavioral responses to semiochemicals in this insect group. Here we analyzed the antenna of the white clover (Trifolium repens L.) specialist Apion fulvipes Geoffroy with scanning electron microscopy, and used single sensillum recordings with a set of 28 host compounds to characterize 18 classes of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). Nine of the OSN classes responded strongly to synthetic compounds with high abundance in clover leaves, flowers, or buds. Eight classes responded only weakly to the synthetic stimuli, whereas one collective class responded exclusively to volatiles released from a crushed clover leaf. The OSNs showed a remarkable degree of specificity, responding to only one or a few chemically related compounds. In addition, we recorded a marked difference in the temporal dynamics of responses between different neurons, compounds, and doses. The identified physiologically active compounds will be screened for behavioral activity, with the ultimate goal to develop an odor-based control strategy for this pest.
Zoology ; Ecology
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