Soil microfungi in three Swedish coniferous forests

Söderström, Bengt; Bååth, Erland (1978). Soil microfungi in three Swedish coniferous forests. Holarctic Ecology, 1, (1), 62 - 72
| Published | English
Söderström, Bengt ; Bååth, Erland
Microbial Ecology
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
Microfungi were isolated by the soil washing technique from 5 soil horizons in each of 3 podzolic coniferous forests: Picea abies at Kongalund, S. Sweden, Pinus sylvestris at Ivantjarnsheden and P. abies/P. sylvestris at Nickobacken (both central Sweden). A total of 126 species was identified, of which 45 were found at 3, and 24 at 2 of the sites. Mortierella and Penicillium were the commonest genera. Species composition differed markedly between the soil layers, but was similar between sites, for a given soil layer. From authors' summary.<new para>ADDITIONAL ABSTRACT:<new para>Fungi were isolated by the soil washing technique from 5 soil horizons in each of 3 podzols: spruce at Kongalund, pine at Ivantjarnsheden, and spruce and pine at Nickobacken (south, central and central Sweden, respectively). A total of 126 spp. was identified of which 45 were found at 3 and 24 at 2 of the sites. Mortierella and Penicillium predominated. Spp. composition differed markedly between the soil layers but was similar between sites for a given layer [RPP 58, 3694]
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