High dynamic spectroscopy using a digital micromirror device and periodic shadowing

Kristensson, Elias; Ehn, Andreas; Berrocal, Edouard (2017-01-09). High dynamic spectroscopy using a digital micromirror device and periodic shadowing. Optics Express, 25, (1), 212 - 222
| Published | English
Kristensson, Elias ; Ehn, Andreas ; Berrocal, Edouard
Combustion Physics

We present an optical solution called DMD-PS to boost the dynamic range of 2D imaging spectroscopic measurements up to 22 bits by incorporating a digital micromirror device (DMD) prior to detection in combination with the periodic shadowing (PS) approach. In contrast to high dynamic range (HDR), where the dynamic range is increased by recording several images at different exposure times, the current approach has the potential of improving the dynamic range from a single exposure and without saturation of the CCD sensor. In the procedure, the spectrum is imaged onto the DMD that selectively reduces the reflection from the intense spectral lines, allowing the signal from the weaker lines to be increased by a factor of 28 via longer exposure times, higher camera gains or increased laser power. This manipulation of the spectrum can either be based on a priori knowledge of the spectrum or by first performing a calibration measurement to sense the intensity distribution. The resulting benefits in detection sensitivity come, however, at the cost of strong generation of interfering stray light. To solve this issue the Periodic Shadowing technique, which is based on spatial light modulation, is also employed. In this proof-of-concept article we describe the full methodology of DMD-PS and demonstrate - using the calibration-based concept - an improvement in dynamic range by a factor of ∼100 over conventional imaging spectroscopy. The dynamic range of the presented approach will directly benefit from future technological development of DMDs and camera sensors.

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