Growth rate, transmission mode and virulence in human pathogens

Leggett, Helen C; Cornwallis, Charlie K.; Buckling, Angus; West, Stuart A. (2017-03-05). Growth rate, transmission mode and virulence in human pathogens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372, (1719)
| Published | English
Leggett, Helen C ; Cornwallis, Charlie K. ; Buckling, Angus ; West, Stuart A.
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Research Group:
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab

The harm that pathogens cause to hosts during infection, termed virulence, varies across species from negligible to a high likelihood of rapid death. Classic theory for the evolution of virulence is based on a trade-off between pathogen growth, transmission and host survival, which predicts that higher within-host growth causes increased transmission and higher virulence. However, using data from 61 human pathogens, we found the opposite correlation to the expected positive correlation between pathogen growth rate and virulence. We found that (i) slower growing pathogens are significantly more virulent than faster growing pathogens, (ii) inhaled pathogens and pathogens that infect via skin wounds are significantly more virulent than pathogens that are ingested, but (iii) there is no correlation between symptoms of infection that aid transmission (such as diarrhoea and coughing) and virulence. Overall, our results emphasize how virulence can be influenced by mechanistic life-history details, especially transmission mode, that determine how parasites infect and exploit their hosts.

Growth ; Infective dose ; Parasites ; Trade-offs ; Transmission ; Virulence
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