Organization tracking of long-term atrial fibrillation recordings: differences between paroxysmal and persistent episodes

Alcaraz, Raul; Sandberg, Frida; Sörnmo, Leif; Rieta, JJ (2009). Organization tracking of long-term atrial fibrillation recordings: differences between paroxysmal and persistent episodes [Host publication title missing], 36,, 509 - 512. 36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference, 2009. Park City, UT, United States: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Alcaraz, Raul ; Sandberg, Frida ; Sörnmo, Leif ; Rieta, JJ
Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
Research Group:
Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
In this work, a method for non-invasive assessment of

AF organization has been applied to discriminating between

paroxysmal and long-term persistent AF episodes.

Following extraction of the atrial activity (AA) signal,

the dominant atrial frequency (DAF) of the AA was computed

based on a hidden Markov model. Finally, the main

atrial wave (MAW) was obtained by bandpass filtering

centered on the DAF, thus providing a time series suitable

for AF organization estimation with sample entropy

(SampEn). The performance of the method was evaluated

on 24-h Holter recordings with long-term changes

in AF organization. The results showed that episodes of

paroxysmal AF (0.06930.0147) were consistently associated

with lower SampEn than episodes with persistent

AF (0.10560.0146). Moreover, 94.2% of 1-min segments

with paroxysmal AF and 88.6% of 1-min segments with

persistent AF could be correctly classified based on Samp-

En information, thus making it possible to classify longterm

recordings of patients without AF history.
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