An Adaptive Penalty Multi-Pitch Estimator with Self-Regularization

Elvander, Filip; Kronvall, Ted; Adalbjörnsson, Stefan Ingi; Jakobsson, Andreas (2016). An Adaptive Penalty Multi-Pitch Estimator with Self-Regularization. Signal Processing, 127,, 56 - 70
| Published | English
Elvander, Filip ; Kronvall, Ted ; Adalbjörnsson, Stefan Ingi ; Jakobsson, Andreas
Mathematical Statistics
Lund University Humanities Lab
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Statistical Signal Processing Group
Biomedical Modelling and Computation
Research Group:
Statistical Signal Processing Group
Biomedical Modelling and Computation
This work treats multi-pitch estimation, and in particular the common misclassification issue wherein the pitch at half the true fundamental frequency, the sub-octave, is chosen instead of the true pitch. Extending on current group LASSO-based methods for pitch estimation, this work introduces an adaptive total variation penalty, which enforces both group- and block sparsity, as well as deals with errors due to sub-octaves. Also presented is a scheme for signal adaptive dictionary construction and automatic selection of the regularization parameters. Used together with this scheme, the proposed method is shown to yield accurate pitch estimates when evaluated on synthetic speech data. The method is shown to perform as good as, or better than, current state-of-the-art sparse methods while requiring fewer tuning parameters than these, as well as several con- ventional pitch estimation methods, even when these are given oracle model orders. When evaluated on a set of ten musical pieces, the method shows promising results for separating multi-pitch signals.
Multi-pitch estimation ; block sparsity ; adaptive sparse penalty ; self-regularization ; ADMM ; Signal Processing ; Probability Theory and Statistics
8237a0fe-8f52-4404-b201-fcf4d2bf7c75 | Link: | Statistics

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