Female nutritional state affects the rate of male incubation feeding in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca

Smith, H. G.; Källander, H.; Hultman, Johan; Sanzén, B. (1989-06). Female nutritional state affects the rate of male incubation feeding in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 24, (6), 417 - 420
| Published | English
Smith, H. G. ; Källander, H. ; Hultman, Johan ; Sanzén, B.
Evolutionary ecology
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Research Group:
Biodiversity and Conservation Science

Male pied flycatches Ficedula hypoleuca regularly feed their mates during incubation. By experimentally supplying some females with extra food we studied how the female's nutritional state affected her incubation schedule and the rate at which her mate fed her. Females that received extra food spent more time on the nest and shorter periods away from it, compared with control females. This suggests that nest attentiveness is governed by the amount of energy available to the female. When females reccived extra food, males decreased their rate of incubation feeding. They also did so in response to increasing ambient temperatures, whereas incubation schedules were unaffected. We, therefore, conclude that our results support the "female nutrition hypothesis", i.e., that the food provided by the male constitutes a significant nutritional contribution to the incubating female.

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