Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation

Byröd, Martin; Josephson, Klas; Åström, Karl (2007). Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation. Yagi, Yasushi; Kweon, In So; Kang, Sing Bing; Zha, Hongbin (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4844,, 549 - 559. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2007), 2007. Tokyo, Japan: Springer
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Byröd, Martin ; Josephson, Klas ; Åström, Karl
Yagi, Yasushi ; Kweon, In So ; Kang, Sing Bing ; Zha, Hongbin
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Mathematical Imaging Group
Research Group:
Mathematical Imaging Group
We consider the problem of $L_2$-optimal triangulation from three separate views. Triangulation is an important part of numerous computer vision systems. Under gaussian noise, minimizing the $L_2$ norm of the reprojection error gives a statistically optimal estimate. This has been solved for two views. However, for three or more views, it is not clear how this should be done. A previously proposed, but computationally impractical, method draws on Gr{"o}bner basis techniques to solve for the complete set of stationary points of the cost function. We show how this method can be modified to become significantly more stable and hence given a fast implementation in standard IEEE double precision. We evaluate the precision and speed of the new method on both synthetic and real data. The algorithm has been implemented in a freely available software package which can be downloaded from the Internet.
Triangulation ; Gröbner Basis ; Optimal ; Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems) ; Mathematics
8b6dce46-a43c-469b-b8a8-478c4fb90706 | Link: | Statistics

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