Polychromatic AO: Wavefront sensing and observing at different wavelengths

Owner-Petersen, Mette (2008). Polychromatic AO: Wavefront sensing and observing at different wavelengths. Andersen, Torben (Ed.). Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg, 6986,, 9860 - 9860. Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg on Extremely Large Telescopes - Which Wavelengths. Lund, Sweden: SPIE
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Owner-Petersen, Mette
Andersen, Torben
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
Telescope Group-lup-obsolete
Research Group:
Telescope Group-lup-obsolete
When performing adaptive optics (AO) correction for the effect of atmospheric fluctuations, different effects, related to measuring the wavefront at one wavelength and observing at another one, may show up. Some of these effects are related to the dispersive properties of the atmosphere. Others are related to diffraction, both regarding light propagation through the turbulent atmosphere to the entrance pupil of the telescope and regarding the inevitable Fraunhofer diffraction taking place for light propagating from the exit pupil to the image plane of the telescope. In this paper some of these effects are revised and discussed, in particular the way in which uncorrected wavefront errors in the point spread function (PSF) will scale with color, and the way in which dispersion affects the Strehl ratio and the background level of the AO corrected PSF. Also discussed is the trade-off between AO spectral bandwidth and Poisson noise.
90c86963-b7af-430f-a7d2-b3b56e294050 | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/90c86963-b7af-430f-a7d2-b3b56e294050 | Statistics

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