Detection of hypotension during hemodialysis using the ECG

Solem, Kristian; Nilsson, Anders; Sörnmo, Leif (2004). Detection of hypotension during hemodialysis using the ECG [Host publication title missing], 31,, 717 - 720. Computers in Cardiology 2004. Chicago, IL, United States: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Solem, Kristian ; Nilsson, Anders ; Sörnmo, Leif
Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
Research Group:
Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
There is today a lack of clinical techniques for detecting

acute hypotension during conventional hemodialysis treat

-ment, despite the fact that hypotension remains the - mosr common acute complication during hemodialysis.

Hypotension is often followed by nausea, vomiting, and

even fainting, not only strenuous for the patient but

requires considerable attention from the nursing staf. The

problem of detecting hypotension was studied by means

of a multimodal database. The database consists of

30 treatments in which each treatment includes several

simultaneously acquired signals. Acute .symptomatic

hypotension occurred in 2 of the 30 treatments. An

ECG-based method for detecting hypotension has been

developed. n e method involves information on heart

rate variability (HRV) and ectopic beat patterns. The

proposed method does not only detect the two cases of acute hypotension but also provides information of the patient's propensity to hypotension at an early stage of hemodialysis.
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