An intermediate-band photometric study of the "globular cluster" NGC 2419

Koch, A.; Frank, M.; Feltzing, S.; Adén, D., et al. (2013). An intermediate-band photometric study of the "globular cluster" NGC 2419 In , 67 - 70. . 2012 Reading the Book of Globular Clusters with the Lens of Stellar Evolution. Monte Porzio Catone, Italy
| Published | English
Koch, A. ; Frank, M. ; Feltzing, S. ; Adén, D. , et al.
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised

NGC 2419 is one of the remotest star clusters in the Milky Way halo and its exact nature is yet unclear. While it has traits reminiscent of a globular cluster, its large radius and suggestions of an abundance spread have fueled the discussion about its origin in an extragalactic environment, possibly the remnant of the accretion of a dwarf galaxy. Here, we present first results from deep intermediate-band photometry of NGC 2419, which enables us to search for chemical (light element) abundance variations, metallicity spreads, and thus multiple stellar populations through well calibrated Strömgren indices.

Galaxies: photometry ; Galaxy: halo ; Globular clusters: general ; Globular clusters: individual (NGC 2419)
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