MHC, health, color, and reproductive success in sand lizards

Olsson, M; Madsen, Thomas; Wapstra, E; Silverin, B, et al. (2005). MHC, health, color, and reproductive success in sand lizards. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 58, (3), 289 - 294
| Published | English
Olsson, M ; Madsen, Thomas ; Wapstra, E ; Silverin, B , et al.
Department of Biology
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Research Group:
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
Good genes" are genetic elements that contribute to lifetime reproductive success, regardless of an individual's additional genotype. Their existence is debated, and most work has targeted their viability benefits to the offspring of choosy females. In the present study, we analyze a case of potential good genes effects in adult male sand lizards ( Lacerta agilis). We show that males with a particular RFLP ( Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) MHC genotype (O-males), as opposed to those that lack this genetic element (NO-males), have less ectoparasites under increasing physiological stress ( indexed by baseline corticosterone level), and are not constrained by parasites at production of status coloration. Furthermore, O-males are more successful at mate acquisition and guard their partners longer. Ultimately, they have a higher genetic reproductive success as assigned by microsatellites.
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